Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do not delay

I saw a sedan last night at Glorietta with a sign inside the windshield saying "NHA Project, Do Not Delay."

Which got me thinking, Is there a housing crisis somewhere that, at 9:00 pm on a Wednesday, needs the National Housing Authority's presence? And how terrible is this crisis that the guy in the sedan needs to pick someone up from the mall (who cannot be delayed) to face it? It seems that there is more to housing than meets the eye.  

I used to assume that anyone who can't be delayed can request a police escort. Heck, even the lowliest konsehal can have one. It seems that it isn't the case. Underfunded agencies like the National Housing Authority, can only afford a laminated sign that says "NHA Project, Do Not Delay."

In fact, the NHA is so poor that they can't even afford to write a separate vision statement. Imagine that, their mission is the same as their vision. Which is understandable. After all, you need an entire weekend (at least) out of town on a corporate retreat/planning seminar in order to write a sentence saying what your agency does. Maybe that's what's so urgent that can't be delayed.

I hope they solve that crisis soon. I have high hopes though: the "Do Not Delay" sign is a step in the right direction. 


Danny Boy, FCD said...

It's called "Iwas Huli". Imagine being a private contractor, and you get a gov't project. Now your vehicles (even sports cars) can have the excuse to run a red light, to wave at traffic enforcers while speeding, maybe even use your hazard lights to weave through traffic like a slalom race. Because you have a government contract, you are above traffic laws, just like the rest of the red-plate gov't vehicles.

The NHA probably doesn't have an emergency construction going on, but it doesn't hurt to have an official-sounding sign. It'll scare away lowly traffic enforcers and beat cops.

missingpoints said...

Yeah I know. I was just wondering why people fall for that crap. I mean, I could just print an official-looking sign and tape it to my car and bluff my way through minor violations.

I can understand enforcers being wary of #8 plates, even though they know it isn't the congressman in the car. But laminated signs?

Danny Boy, FCD said...

I know from personal experience that they aren't very bright.