Friday, May 29, 2009

Is this *really* in aid of legislation?

The problem with Philippine senate inquiries is that they're used mainly as opportunities for grandstanding by senators who have nothing better to do than hog the limelight. Instead of asking intelligent questions that can aid in crafting legislation, they opt for the ones that the cameras will carry. 

In the Kho affair, the senators failed to do basic research (please correct me if I'm wrong). Instead of asking about drugs (against which Philippine laws are adequate) they should've been more concerned about the mechanics and motivations of videotaping sexual encounters. 

A psychologist and an anthropologist should be there to give testimony as to the whether this behavior is normal. Given the number of cellphone cam pics circulating online and in social networking sites, one would think that, in urban areas at least and among the younger set, this isn't as weird as some lawmakers think it is. 

Then they should invite internet security consultants to give everyone an idea how digital videos are taken and how laptop security can be compromised. This is to establish the line where culpability should be drawn in the proposed law. (i.e. when can someone claim that his computer was "hacked?")

A good senator interested in this case would've read up on the interesting civil rights issues regarding cyberporn in the US. Like the grandma who was charged with child porn for taking pics of her grandkid in the bathtub. Or the 14 year old girl charged with distributing underage porn when she posted a topless pic on her MySpace. The arguments and opinions from constitutionalists would help craft a better cyberporn law. 

But no, they wanted Hayden and Katrina and Vicki Belo there, interrogated in front of TV cameras.  

Who's the voyeur now?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Patrick, I love your blog! My point exactly! Thank you for articulating this missing point that I failed to blog about. :)

Anonymous said...

Patrick, I can only agree with you totally. Use of government resources privately has been a common practice in Phil government. I worked for a govt dept for some years, then left because I could not take the rampant corruption(that was Marcos time, and I think it has become worse and worse every administration). At that time our cabinet secretary appointed his sister as confidential asst. Of course,as expected, she acted like she was the first lady. She shopped weekly at a hip supermart/dept store and charged them all to the dept's petty cash (in connivance with COA auditor). She drove a Mercedez Benz, all expenses courtesy of govt. She went on regular trips abroad on the convenient pretext of trade fairs. And I'm talking only of one small case in one govt office and among thousands of bigger cases in the govt's web of corruption. The corruption in BIR, Bureau of Customs and DPHW of course are far worse and mind-boggling (ordinary employees owning mansions, expensive jewelries and several cars). If you will know and seriously think about the full extent of our government's corruption, you would wish you have supernatural powers to vanish all these corrupt people from earth (on the other hand, I think nobody then would be left in the government!).
Cheers. - Phil_Humanist

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but my comments above relate to your post on "Do not delay". The point there is not only the sign in the windshield of "NHA Project, Do Not Delay"; but also that the vehicle itself is obviously being used for personal purposes. Thanks. - Phil Humanist